After Zooms and Teams long-distance runs during the pandemic, we crave human contact. What does this mean for companies in 2022? A study
2020 was a year of change. Pandemic-driven and pandemic-conditioned. It feels like we are in a major phase of change. But have we matured in the pandemic? Do we understand customers better now? Now things are getting concrete. Initial studies show clear trends and provide clear answers in the form of figures to questions such as:
Where do we stand with digitization and automated processes? How do customers perceive the new processes? What is really important to customers post-pandemic? What will companies have to adapt to in the future? Is a devil-may-care digitization the all-round solution in the company and does it ensure unconditional growth?
Numbers, data, facts.
I'll take you along and share with you the latest findings of the NTT Global Benchmark Report. The numbers will make it clear to you which adjustments we have to make.
NTT study: 1,359 surveyed professionals from 34 global markets and 14 different sectors. The study also included the Voice of Customer - that is, the customer's point of view. PLUS 1,402 opinions. ( The VoC is always the first point to analyse in my work as well. That's the only way to get a comprehensive picture.)
At this point I would like to mention again, if you want to have a clear insight in your company about what your customers really experience, then come to me and arrange your individual Mystery Check-up tuning list included. I give you a wide overview on what your brand customer receives and experiences digitally and analog.
The Global Customer Experience Benchmark Report of 2020 shows:
There is a positive trend for customer experience - the light is green on go!
Board level responsibility for CX has increased from 35.0% to 74.9% in 2020, so if the trend continues, we can expect this decade to be groundbreaking for customer service and customer centricity in terms of the experiences we all have when interacting with companies. I'm going to be very optimistic. As you know, my goal is also to make the importance of CX an executive issue. And to bring it to the decision-making floors.
Therefore first- The TOP NUMBERS
1) 90.9% and of those 43.5 fully see customer experience ( CX) as a primary differentiator
2) 93.8% of companies recognize the need for CX design principles, but only 47.7% fully leverage customer insights for
Improvement of products and services
3) Only 44.3% of companies use customer insights to inform service and product improvements, and only 44.7% have a voice of the customer (VoC) program in place
Artificial Intelligence- are companies able to meet customer needs in the times of automation?
Only 24% are satisfied with AI solutions
Only 18% with the use of robots in customer contact.
As we can see, we are only at the beginning.
HUMAN TOUCH - Die Take Aways
Reinforcing the human touch between CX and EX is important. The pandemic was a catalyst for accelerated change.
Companies now need to invest in the tools and processes that lead to improving the experience and skills of their employees to create stronger human connections more in the critical moments of truth, "The Moments of Truth".
Absolutely address the challenges of remote working - this has a direct impact ultimately on the customer experience - as many as 43.6% report from hybrid working that their conditions are anything but, and a full 56.7% say it is a major challenge for both employers and employees.
Emphasize ownership - solidify the role of each employee, as just over a third of companies report that business functions are not fully collaborating. That is, ⅔ are not yet ready to truly overcome silos. Therein lies the task in the future.
STRATEGIC - The goal in sight
37.9% of companies surveyed do not have a customer engagement strategy - that's a very alarming number.
CX strategy, the be-all and end-all, won't get you far unless the people responsible for implementing it take full ownership. Employees need to be informed about how CX will be implemented throughout the organization.
In summary, I can say: Yes, we are on the right track. And the traffic light is green - customers' concerns are finally being taken seriously. The Global Customer Experience Report of 2020 shows it clearly. The dramatic increase from 35% to 74.5% demonstrates a focus at the executive levels. Customer experience is also seen as a lever for growth in the C-suite. However, we are only at the beginning of the development. What is still failing, however, is implementation. Digitization and automated processes are the future. We were all able to experience the advantage in the flesh during the pandemic. Friendly Facetime rounds, fast online meetings, time savings when shopping - increased efficiency par excellence.
But we can't chalk it up as a success until we integrate people. 38% say they avoid digital channels because they prefer human contact.
Humans are social beings with senses that don't stop at screens and keyboards. After zooms and teams long calls during the pandemic, we crave human contact. That's what the numbers show, and that's a fact. The NTT study and several others confirm that.
Digitization yes, but please with people at the center.