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Writer's picturePeggy Amelung

✨ GSA Convention 2024: Inspiration and deep encounters that stay with you 🎤💡

How the keynotes and encounters in Munich inspired me to rethink - and why real transformation never happens quietly.

What remains when the applause has faded and the lights go out? At the GSA Convention 2024 in Munich, I found answers that will stay with me for a long time. From deep conversations to real goosebump moments: How do you get people to really listen to you? The speakers had impressive answers - and I'm taking away valuable insights that will change my view of customers, crises and transformation forever. 👇

Wow, the GSA Convention 2024 in Munich was a real highlight for me this year. So much energy, inspiration and memorable moments. The event wasn't only packed with exciting keynotes, but also with encounters that touched me deeply. But what was the most important moment for me? To be honest, there were several - and I can't even list them all. But here are my highlights:

Peter Brandl: "How do I get people to really hear what I have to say?

Peter touched me deeply with this question. It's about relevance, hope and the truth in what we communicate. It got me thinking: how often do we talk past each other because we don't really listen or lose sight of what's important?

Teresa Adler: "Gold and debris come into the same river. You have to sift it out yourself.’ 🎯

These words from Teresa hit me right in the face. It was a great metaphor for the challenges in life and in business - you have to learn to filter the value out of the chaos. And you can only do that if you take action yourself.

Dr. Maximilian Lude: Transformation through customer centricity

Maximilian has hit the nail on the head: Customer centricity and cultural change are the key to real transformation. 📊 ‘If you don't listen to your customers, you'll just end up producing spaghetti burgers This image sticks. The message? Success depends on how well you understand the needs of your audience or customers. And that brings us back to the customer experience.

What did I take away? 🧠

1️⃣ Build bridges: Your story only counts if it also becomes the story of your audience. You need to create connections so that your message really gets across.

2️⃣ Crises as coaches: Crises aren't obstacles, but the best teachers. They show you what you really need to learn.

3️⃣ Simple isn't easy: Progress requires concentration and dedication. Simple solutions are often the most difficult because they require concentration and clarity.

4️⃣ Harriet Bratt: The Energy Queen 🔥: Harriet ignited the fire in each of us in her talk. Real transformation doesn't happen in silence - it's loud, it's powerful and it requires courage

Pure goosebumps: Marcel Reif and Michael Rossie 💬

The presentation of the Speaker Award 2024 to Marcel Reif was an emotional moment. His words ‘Sej a Mensch!’ - ‘Be a human being’ in the Bundestag, Parlament of Germany - were a powerful statement in this time of political change. It was incredible to be there live and to see how much his speech moved so many people.

And then there was Michael Rossie, the mentor of so many speakers. After Markus Hofmann gave a heart-warming eulogy, Michael was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Another emotional highlight of the day.

The true treasures of the GSA Convention 💡👥

What will be remembered most are the encounters with people. Not the quick exchange of business cards or QR codes - it was the in-depth conversations that really stick with you. I'll take these connections with me - all the way to Barcelona and into my upcoming lectures. 🌍🎤

A big thank you goes to Susanne Nickel for running this 19th GSA Convention so brilliantly - emotionally, mentally and physically.

And what's next? 🚀

If you weren't there, you definitely missed something big. But don't worry, it goes on! The amazing Silvia Ziolkowski is handing over the baton to Rainer Petek, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

What was the most important moment for you at the GSA Convention 2024? Write it in the comments - I'm curious! Only if you were there, of course. If not and you'd like to become a member. Just get in touch.

Marcel Reif, receives the Speaker Award 2024, German Speakers Association (GSA)

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