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Service vs. Hospitality Culture

Service vs.

The speeches at a glance

Service Excellence is perfection. Why exactly this perfection bores us, what it has to do with a culture of hospitality and why we want to experience real emotions as customers. 


CX as a competitive advantage: Why is a WOW experience more important today than ever? Why does everyone promise it, and few keep their promise to the customer?  


Service vs. Hospitality Culture: What is the service today? What is the difference between a manifested customer culture? What role does the CEO play in the company? 


6 Elements of the Customer Service Culture: Practical tips for the first implementation in the direction of customer enthusiasm for all participants 


ZDF of the customer: Customer enthusiasm in the age of digitalization, curse, and blessing at the same time? How do we deal with this correctly within the company?



The lecture is particularly suitable for executives in companies and private entrepreneurs.

Company on course for customers


Current keynote: Communication with customers - You will not get anywhere objectively in times of crisis




The lecture at a glance


With solutions for experience management you exceed the expectations of your customers and inspire them sustainably. Every product experience influences the purchase decision, especially in a crisis.


The nine fields of action of the customer experience: practical examples   from the luxury hotel industry illustrate the hospitality factor adapted to your industry.


Practical tips for understanding customers: Change in action always begins in the head What does the customer service mind set mean and how do you bring it closer to employees?


Current keynote: Communication with customers - You will not get anywhere objectively in times of crisis - Where there is no physical proximity, proximity becomes a precious commodity.


Receiving royally was yesterday, receiving empathy is today - 9 effective steps for your team

  • The crisis illustrates how important it is to respond to customers emotionally. Correct communication with the customer today can ensure the survival of the company tomorrow.

  • What does emotional customer loyalty mean?

  • What do your customers need right now in a crisis?

  • How authentic should your employees appear to the customer?

  • How do your employees communicate more compassionately and directly?

  • What is the difference between an open feedback window and a complaint portal?


Successful communication:
In this way you learn to understand your customer and be understood by the customer

Personal and individual service - how do I score points with customers

Customer service culture vs. structure and processes

Lateral service as a model that works in agile systems.

Role of your employees in creating a unique customer experience

Win customers for a lifetime


The lecture is particularly suitable for managers in companies, family businesses and teams with customer contact.

We tune customer experience

Amelung & Partners

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